The Role of Soft Skills for Students Accounting Industry in the Concept of Digital Transformation by Output Standard Accessories
In the current renovation process, the education sector in general and universities in particular are innovating in terms of educational contents, programs, and methods in the direction of capacity development for students. Improve the quality of human resource training to meet social needs. education institutions is one of the objective requi

The Effects of Risks in Agricultural Supply Chain Management on Business Performance: A Case Study in Vietnam
Risks in the agricultural supply chain management can causesignificant losses to the production and business activities of enterprises in the market

Vietnam, the big market and cross bridges of illegal wildlife trade in Asia: causes and solutions
The results of this study provide data on the logistics, scope, routes, channels, seasons, and the economy of illegal wildlife trade in the country and across Vietnam

The Impact of Agricultural Growth on the Rural Development in Vietnam
Rural development is a global relevant phenomenon that needs the particular attention of researchers as well as regulators to achieve the development goals it entails.

A Study on the Poverty of Mountain People Depending on Forests
Livelihood capitals have a clear influence on livelihood development. As for the livelihood results, it has been pointed out in the analysis of the poor households that the ability of people to escape poverty depends especially on the access to livelihood capitals.

Impact of corporate social responsibility toward employees on business performance: The case of Vietnam
The study aims to test the impact of social responsibility toward employees on the business performance.

The Impact of innovation on economic growth: The Spillover effect of foreign direct investment
Studies in the economics line always revolve around the topic of economic growth, which is always attractive to both practical and academic scholars

The impact of manager’s emotional intelligence on performance: The case of Vietnam
The study aims to examine direct and indirect impacts of managers’ emotional intelligence on performance of firms through determinants of job satisfaction, trust and opportunistic behavior
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